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Therapeutic and Relaxation Massage

You may have a particular area you'd like to focus on, or a new or chronic injury you'd like to support in healing. You may be going through a stressful time and feel that a present touch would feel therapeutic. Or you may simply want to rest and de-stress. Whatever your goal for your bodywork session, Iara has a variety of specialized skills that she brings to the table. 

"I've been to a lot of body workers and I'm pretty fussy. Often, I don't go back after the first visit. Iara is an exception. She combines technical skill with an intuitive sense of what my body needs. And when her body work has opened up emotions I wasn't in touch with, she's been there for me too."   ~   Bob, retired physician

"Iara's skill as a massage therapist is extraordinary. She draws on both intuition and a scientifically-oriented knowledge base in her work, and was able to fluidly tailor her approach to my individual needs and preferences. She was warm, engaged, compassionate, and curious. I felt very taken care of and nurtured throughout the entire experience. I would highly recommend Iara as a massage therapist for general or specialized issues."   ~  Ruby, mental health therapist

"Iara's massage was fantastic. I am a massage therapist myself, and was so impressed with her ability to do specific/deep muscle work so carefully and thoughtfully. She is so present & grounded in her approach & I felt that she held space beautifully. I would definitely continue seeing Iara for thoughtful therapeutic massage. Thank you!"   ~   Dana, massage therapist.



Session may include cupping/scraping, and application of herbal balms and liniments as needed for no charge.



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